
Rod ends DIN ISO 12240-4 (DIN 648) K series high performance version male thread

can be regreased, suitable for higher rotation speeds
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商品信息 "Rod ends DIN ISO 12240-4 (DIN 648) K series high performance version male thread"

Rod end K series high performance version male thread

Static basic load rating C0 (kN)

The static basic load rating C0 (see product details) denotes the value with which a rod end can in normal applications with a static load be stressed in the weakest cross-section without being permanently deformed. It represents the permissible radial bearing strain at rest. The basic load ratings quoted have been calculated using the respective material characteristic values and can be verified by tensile experiments at room temperature. The yield point was used to 80%, making the safety factor until yield start 1.25.

The static basic load rating also enables the permissible thrust load to be calculated:

Fa = Fa perm. = p • C0 (kN)

p = < / ~ 0.2 for rod ends K series high performance version

Dynamic basic load ratings for rod ends are available on request.